A lot has happened over the past seven plus years since my last post. Life changes, as time refuses to stand still. Over the last several months, I have pondered starting a new BLOG. I have toiled with thoughts of substance, direction, reason and life. The political climate in America is about as toxic as I have ever seen. The tribal, partisan, political climate has created a wide divide among Americans. Do I start an entirely new Blog or rekindle this one? By starting an entirely new blog, I could write anonymously, as I did when I first began this blog. I could build a new following and create a persona and direction without expectation or familiarity.
I spent a lot of time in my head, debating the best option. I came to the realization I have been away for such an extended period, I am basically starting over anyway. The prior posts will offer background on some of what I will write in the future. Those who stumble upon this blog will have a reference point for where I stand and what shapes my thoughts and expressions.
My writing is clearly rusty and my thoughts slow to form as I sit here trying to put together my first post. With the 2020 election a mere 310 days away, there will be much to talk about and dissect. Carl DeMaio, aka little rube, is running for Congress, trying to claim the seat in the 50th that Duncan Hunter will soon vacate. I will offer my take on his campaign and the rhetoric, alternative facts and lies he is renowned for and continues to employ in his every utterance or communication.
The San Diego Mayoral, City Attorney and various Council races will offer a lot of fodder for discussion. The Presidential race will no doubt offer much to discuss. I will do my best to offer factual information, set straight rhetorical campaign bluster and debunk the much used alternative facts. I will focus on the words and actions of current, active, candidates, not those of the past.
My goal is to post at a minimum, five (5) times a week. Topics will focus on the days activities of various political persons. No one is safe from scrutiny or discussion. No topic is off limits. Input and dialog is welcome. Hateful or caustic aggression is not welcome. Everyone has a right to their opinion. On this blog hateful, caustic aggression and name calling won't be accepted nor tolerated. It is after all, my blog.
Let's get ready to write...
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